Why Medically Supervised Weight Loss Programs Have Better Long-Term Success Rates

Do you try to make healthy eating choices and keep your body moving but just can't shed those stubborn pounds? If so, you're not alone. Nearly one out of three adults in the United States is overweight, and more than two in five are obese.
The good news is that partnering with a doctor can help you find success on your weight loss journey.
With offices conveniently located in Lawrenceville and Atlanta, Georgia, our experienced providers at The Healthy Woman provide personalized primary care, from physicals and treatment for chronic conditions to medically supervised weight loss.
Risks of an unhealthy weight
Being overweight or obese comes with a number of health risks. These include an increased chance of developing heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Osteoarthritis and chronic pain, particularly in the back and knees, can also be more likely to occur when you’re carrying extra weight, as well as certain types of cancer.
Medically supervised weight loss
The body mass index (BMI) employs a calculator to measure the amount of body fat using your height and weight. A number of 25 to 30 indicates overweight; a BMI greater than 30 points to obesity. These calculations can help determine how much weight you should lose.
Losing weight can be difficult, which is why professional support often makes the difference in a woman reaching her goals. At The Healthy Woman, we personalize your treatment, taking each person’s health situation, medical needs, and preferences into account when creating an individualized plan.
Common areas of focus that can lead to better long-term success include:
Health counseling
Our team conducts a physical exam and discusses your weight goals. We also provide important information like what your ideal weight should be, whether any underlying health conditions or current medications could be affecting your weight, and a reasonable timeline to reach your goal number in a safe and healthy manner.
We emphasize the idea of making lasting lifestyle changes with the goal of keeping the weight off long term.
Better nutrition
Our health experts ask about what types and quantities of foods you currently eat as well as your food preferences. That guides us in discussing healthy eating habits and making personal recommendations for a nutrition plan that emphasizes the necessary food groups in the correct amounts.
Exercise encouragement
Being active as much as possible plays an important part of any plan to lose weight. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week and two days of strength training. Our team can tailor these guidelines to meet your needs and help you stay on track by encouraging you to find a fitness routine that you can commit to and stick with.
Prescription medications and vitamin supplements
Prescription medications can also play a role in helping some women lose weight. These include drugs that boost metabolism or suppress your appetite. Vitamin supplements also can help in your weight loss journey, ensuring that you’re getting the nutrients you need to keep your body systems functioning optimally. Our medical supervision ensures you’re losing weight safely.
Your partner for weight loss success
If you’ve been trying to lose weight but the numbers on the scale aren't budging, we can help. Call The Healthy Woman or request an appointment online today.
With our spa-like ambiance and consistent care team, we partner with our patients for the best possible health. In addition to our primary care locations, we offer full-service OB/GYN care at our offices in Snellville and Lawrenceville.
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